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EP: 34 Traits of Successful Investors

Investing in land has a high potential for earning. It's not easy, but you can set yourself up for success by focusing on developing some key traits. In this episode, we talk about the winning ways of the most successful individuals in land investing. First is having the right mindset. Taking a positive view of every situation can make all the difference. Believing that you can be successful is the first step to success. When you experience something negative, see it as a learning experience.  Second, don't give in to fear. Fear is a killer. The best entrepreneurs overcome fear and risk.  Third, winners are not afraid to take significant steps. Entrepreneurial thinking is about thinking big. We also talk about how effective consistency and persistence are. It's just like exercise—if you want to see results, you need to show up consistently. In land investing, it means establishing a consistent pattern in your dealings with potential clients.  Successful land investors are consistent and persistent, willing to push through life's setbacks and challenges. Take time to internalize these traits and values. Once they are second nature, they will transform you into a winner.

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