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Issue 46

1. Land Market Has Its Best Year in Nearly a Decade
The land market had its best year in nearly a decade in 2021 as land sales rose 6% and outperformed the pace of acquisitions of other commercial real estate types.

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2. 10 Emerging Trends in Shaping our New Future
We are currently going through one of the most significant historical changes ever experienced in the last 100 years. Old businesses will change and new businesses will emerge. We are already seeing a shift in services our clients are adopting as a response to this pandemic. Essential services in relation to healthcare, energy and natural resources, water, and emergency services will continue to be in demand, although the business models for these industries may change.

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3. Here’s Why You Should Be Raw Land Investing

With the right knowledge and experience at their disposal, investing in land can be highly lucrative for real estate investors. At the very least, those interested in buying land are only limited by their imagination and zoning regulations. The key to successful raw land investing is a unique combination of due diligence, hard work and attractive profit margins. Continue reading if in investing in land with more confidence interests you.

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4. Buying Homestead Land | How to Afford Farm Land

One question many new and aspiring homesteaders have is, “How do you afford land?” How do you get into owning your own property and buying homestead land? That can be as little as an acre or as much as a hundred acres or more. Each farmer and homesteader has their preference as to how much land they want, what kind of homestead land they want, what type of land they want.

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There are certain characteristics and skills that are particularly important for entrepreneurs to have when starting and leading a venture. Here are 10 characteristics shared by successful entrepreneurs.

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Download the free app and get your first course for Free! Land.MBA lifts the veil of mystery regarding how to make money from raw, vacant land. If you’re ready to generate substantially more income for your family, this course provides everything you need to understand how the land investing business works and what you need to get started.